Monday, April 1, 2013

Our First Family Easter 3-31-2013

Our first Easter as a family was pretty low key and revolved around Bodhi's nap schedule. 
*Since posting I've realized that this was not our first Easter as a family. B was around last April 8. However, as he was a mere few weeks old, it kind of just came and went.*
Bodhioh with a bunny he received, well, before he was even born! 
The Easter bunny brought Bodhi a one of a kind Star Bunny and a soft little duck, which was perfect as "duck" is one of his favorite things to say and identify.

We were lucky to have a sunny, slightly brisk day, perfect for a family walk. So we took bunny, as he was the easiest to secure in the stroller, and walked through the neighborhood. We immediately ran into a good friend, who snapped a family Easter "portrait."

The puppet bike, an awesome puppet show on wheels was a popular spot. We gathered with the other folks and families, giggled and danced for a few songs. Bodhi wasn't sure whether to watch the puppets or all the people around us.
When the puppet bike took a break, we turned around to find this gorgeous Newfoundland and several other pups gathering their own crowd. I've seen this sweet guy around the neighborhood a lot, and he soaks up as much love and attention as anyone will offer. Bodhi was pretty fascinated by this enormous, friendly creature.
And just to remind us that yep, we live in a wonderfully diverse, artistic, unique and sometimes wacky neighborhood, we ran into The Bottlecap Man on our way home. I took a picture of him a few weeks ago when he was passing by the store. Since then he's been receiving lots of publicity, and sharing his story and message about consumption and wastefulness. He's a friendly guy who smiled willingly for a picture with Bodhi (who was somewhat confused by the whole thing).
Sweet little pumpkin, tuckered out. Happy Easter Bodhi Bear. xo!