Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fashion Plate 4/1-4/12

 Depending on who's dressing Bodhi...
 he might be wearing wacky prints and rainbow legs (Mama H)
 or an awesome little red jumpsuit, a gift from honorary Aunt, Rachael
or a baseball-themed romper (Mama T)

Bodhi meets his cousin, Aunt and Uncle 3-31-12

 Auntie Ashley, Uncle John and cousin Ashton came over to visit with Bodhi. John and Ashton looked through a family photo book, while Ash held Bodhi.
 Ashton, maybe a little unsure of this new tiny person
 Uncle John getting to know Bodhi
 Ashton snuggling with Winnie the Pooh...
 ...and then bunny friend.
Sisters and cousins :)

2 weeks, Bodhi and Winnie the Pooh 3-31-12

 I wanted an item which would serve as a scale for Bodhi's growth, and finally decided on my big, snuggly, classic Pooh bear from my college days.

Admittedly, he was yawning, but there's humor in thinking he was screaming his head off; 
"get me away from this thing!!"

Time to Head Home 3-25-12

 So itty bitty...we had to order some tiny clothes online so Bodhi had something to wear.
 Gazing at Mama H
 Do you like my ensemble?
 Delicate kisses :)
 Testing out the glider in the nursery.
Our little family.

Our friend Jean comes to visit 3-23-12

 A few says into Bodhi's stay at the NICU, our good friend, Jean, came for a visit.

Gratuitous picture of snuggly Bodhi boy ;)

The first few days...3-19 to 21-2012

 The first meeting between Mama T and Bodhi 3-19
 Our sweet, beautiful, newborn, baby boy
 Grandma and Granpda M sent lovely blue hydrangeas, mums and daisies with a very sweet note.
 Mama happy :)
3-21, poor little peanut in his special jaundice-treatment light therapy setup.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Happy Birth Day Bodhi! 3-18-12

Let's start with the fact that Tina was a champ; weeks after the birth, the midwife team is still talking about her incredible strength, focus, and insanely high pain threshold. After Friday night's induction, followed by labor that progressed throughout the weekend, sans any medication 
or drugs (!) and after three intense hours of pushing, this baby was just not ready to make an entrance.  And, so, the decision was made to proceed with a c-section and... 3:02 pm, our son entered the world.  
We had discussed the name Bodhi, and were pretty sure that would be our son's name, but we chose to wait until we got to know him just a bit to make sure that was the right choice. 
It has suited him perfectly.
 Bodhi's entrance was rather dramatic and traumatic, and thus resulted in a stay in the Special Care Nursery. His vitals were continually monitored.  He would have come home sooner, but he developed jaundice, and after all was said and done, he had spent a week in the NICU.
 Here I am, lost in the bliss that I was officially a mama.
 Auntie Ashley came to visit her new nephew right away.
Oh, that itty bitty precious.

37 Weeks: 3-16-12

On the morning of March 16, 2012, Tina went in for her 37 week up checkup. With an elevated blood pressure and signs of preclampsia, I vividly recall her phone call: "I think they're going to admit me, and we might have a child this weekend."  Immediately my brain sped through all the things that had to be done before this baby entered the world!
 By the evening we were all settled in and had no idea what lay ahead.  Induction would soon follow, and the weekend-long adventure (my words...Tina would probably choose something different!) was about to begin.
 We didn't know if we'd soon be meeting our son or daughter; 
we did know  this child would be a Cubs fan.
A Cubs fan with rainbow legwarmers!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Evening Lakeside: 3-14-12

Thursday, March 14, 2012~ the weather had been so unseasonably gorgeous; Chicago was having an honest-to-goodness Spring! We took advantage of a free late-afternoon / early evening and went down by the lake to take some photos. Little did we know that within 48 hours of these images, Tina would be induced at 37 weeks and we'd have a son by the end of the weekend.

The Belly!

It was awesome to watch Tina's body shift and her belly grow. We were not rigorous about "taking a picture every month to the day" or anything along those lines. It was just as we felt moved to do so. That said, here's a rather random progression of Mama Tina's belly.
8-2-11 (a few weeks into this adventure)
8-19-11 (about 5 weeks)
11-29-11 (nearly 14 weeks)
12-12-11 (close to 5 months)
12-13-11 (one day later)
12-26-11 (almost 5.5 months)
1-9-12 (nearing the 6 month mark)
2-5-12 (almost 7 months. And Superbowl Sunday!)
2-25-12 (close to 30 weeks)
3-6-12 (just about 35 weeks) and so ready!